#250 - How To Get Your Music Playlisted On Spotify

  1. Pitch directly to Spotify via Spotify for Artists

    If you’ve got music on Spotify, you NEED to be using Spotify for Artists. Be as specific as possible to help curators understand the creative influences behind your release. Make sure you do a once-over to make sure everything's correct and then click 'submit.' Do this 7 days or more before you release as it takes time to be processed.

  2. Pitch music to independent curators

    When it comes to pitching your music to independently curated playlists there are thousands of popular independent Spotify playlists. Spend time searching through Spotify to find playlists that would suit your sound, make a note of who owns the playlist and head to Google. Here you can find the contact details you need to start submitting to the playlists, an email address or maybe a submission form on their website. Sites like PlaylistPush can help put you in touch with these contacts and get your music added. Make sure to keep your email short, polite and informative, with prominent links to your music on Spotify. Make it as easy as possible for them to quickly find out who you are and listen to your music.

  3. Get on Discover Weekly & Release Radar

    Spotify's Discover Weekly & Release Radar playlists are unique to every user on the platform. Rather than being curated by Spotify's staff, they're created by the platform's algorithms. Getting onto a listener's Release Radar playlist is simple. Just get them to follow you on Spotify. Whenever you release new music, it'll appear in the Release Radar playlist of everyone who follows you.

  4. Build your own playlists

    This is an easy way to give your music a boost on Spotify. Start creating your own public playlists, filled with great music and include your own tracks too. With a bit of work, you could build your playlist to have thousands or even millions of followers over time. But even if your playlist only has a few followers, it'll still help your chance of landing on other, bigger playlists. Remember, the Discover Weekly algorithm takes EVERY playlist placement into account, no matter how small. So you have nothing to lose in creating a playlist featuring your own music alongside any other music you're into.

  5. Complete your Spotify profile

    A complete and detailed Spotify profile gives you a more legitimate face on the platform and in turn makes it more likely for playlist curators to take you seriously and consider you for features. You can complete your profile info in Spotify for Artists, including:

  1. An artist bio

  2. Social media links

  3. Upcoming tour dates and more

    And don't forget to get verified on Spotify as an official Spotify artist.


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